Football NewsAlves explains why Neymar and Lionel Messi are animals
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Argentine striker Lionel Messi is obsessed with scoring goals, says Brazilian right-back Dani Alves, while PSG teammate Neymar is Cirque du Soleil showman.


What did Dani Alves say?

Dani Alves has worked with two iconic South American forwards during spells at Barca and Paris Saint-Germain. The Brazil national team right-back holds both in the highest regard as they are animals on the pitch, but Alves admits there are obvious differences in their approach to the game.

Brazil national team defender said that Lionel Messi and Neymar are similar. According to Dani Alves, players who can see a little more than the rest, with one particular feature that Lionel is obsessed with scoring goals. All he does is think about scoring goals. Dani says Neymar juggles more, Cirque du Soleil.

Neymar has an animal inside that when people touch him, they want to harm him, it comes out. Then he’s dead, he can’t stop it. This is his weapon of defense. When Alves played against two, he told his teammates not to hit them; Don’t let the animal wake up inside these guys. They cannot stop them. If they pinch them, they will ruin their day. According to Dani Alves, they are the idols of kids who want to play football and that’s a lot of weight for them to carry, but their problem is that they decide to become geniuses.


A little about the topic

The Argentine and his Brazilian counterpart have played together in Paris Saint-Germain this season, with Lionel Messi scoring 12 goals and 14 assists, while Neymar has scored 15 goals and made 11 more efforts for grateful colleagues.

Pursuing the same goals at club level as Paris Saint-Germain aims to plant the elusive Champions League crown in 2022-23, Neymar and Lionel are about to become rivals in the pursuit of supreme glory with their respective countries at the World Cup final in Qatar.