Football NewsBarcelona striker Martin Braithwaite gave an idea of ​​what his life in isolation
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The entire squad of Barcelona is forced to train at home to maintain their suitability, while Braithwaite showed that he works more alone than when team-mates surround him.


Martin Braithwaite in self-isolation with family

Barcelona striker Martin Braithwaite gave an idea of ​​what his life in custody with the use of coronavirus currently looks like, and also noted that he misses the feeling of being a football player. The entire squad of Barcelona is forced to train at home to maintain their suitability, while Braithwaite showed that he works more alone than when team-mates surround him. “Since we can’t work in the club, I try to work at home, maybe even a little more intensively than during the regular week, since we don’t have games on the weekend,” Barcelona’s YouTube channel quotes Martin. “I have a feeling that I am doing more than on my usual day to day. When you work individually, it seems that you are doing more than when you work with the team.

Danish watches the videos and studies the teams

“I managed to watch the video and study the teams. I try to do it every day.” We have a spectacular coaching staff. Martin tries to follow the recommendations of the team, from Antonio Gomez, a physio at the club, and send him photos and videos so that he does not doubt that I am training. “My diet is incredibly useful. I was lucky that my wife cooks very well, and I can eat what I need. “I have lost weight since it all started.” Many hope that this isolation does not last too long, “said the Dane.” When we found out about all this, it was an extraordinary feeling – it’s like a movie, “said Martin.

Martin’s daily routine plan

“When it all ends, I think it will be fantastic.” We look forward to the game. We will be hungry again. “What am I missing most? Being on the field and feeling like a football player.” In terms of its daily practice at home, Braithwaite alternates between learning and socializing with your family. “Being around the people you love makes it easier than I thought,” he revealed. “I like to train, but I work a lot at home.” I try not to lose my routine. “I get up around 8:00 am CET, have breakfast and read something or watch a video, and around 9:30 in the morning I start my workout. At around noon, I have a small snack, and then I’m with my family. 2.00 pm we eat together, and in the afternoon, we do some activities together.”