Football NewsBayern opens the door of Real Madrid to Lewandowski
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The player has received a “sharp no” from the German entity when he announced that he is leaving the club this summer… If Bayern insists, in 2023 he will be free.

The situation

The next big name on the market, after Haaland and Mbappe, is Lewandowski. The Polish striker has decided to leave Bayern this summer. He tried to do it in 2021, but the Bavarian entity flatly refused. For this summer, he will be strong. The Pole has always sought to speed up his options to sign for Real Madrid, his great dream in recent times . But Benzema’s excellent moment has been closing the door on his aspirations for him to the point that, in his intention to change scenery to finish his career, he has had no choice but to look at Barcelona. But, once again, Lewandowski has run into Bayern. he has already stated his intention to leave the Munich entity to the board and has received a forceful response: “We do not sell you, it is our last word.” That brings him closer to Madrid when his contract ends in 2023. Now it is unknown if Bayern is bluffing or if he prefers to stay for one more season to Lewandowski even if, for this reason, he stops entering 30 to 40 million euros. That is the estimated price for the striker who has scored the most goals in the last three consecutive seasons (50, 48 and 55 goals, almost nothing). The problem is that Lewandowski is already 33 years old, he will be 34 when his contract ends if Bayern finally go ahead with their order of not selling him. At the moment and in the current situation, the best option for Lewandowski has surprisingly become Barcelona. With the Blaugrana, his representative, Pini Zahavi, has already reached an agreement in principle. 

The details

But the agent is aware that Bayern will remain firm in its intention not to sell.Before Barcelona, Lewandowski wanted to rush his options to go to Madrid, and when that door closed for Benzema’s moment, he also looked at PSG, where Mbappé should have left. Let’s say that the Camp Nou has been his third option, the fourth if you count that of City, who also sounded out their surroundings before they were certain that Guardiola had closed Haaland. Like this, Bayern can open the door of Real Madrid again to Lewandowski.