Football NewsBenzema leaves the national team
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The situation 

Karim Benzema retires from the French national team . “I made the effort and made the mistakes it took to get to where I am today and I’m proud of it. I have written my story and ours is coming to an end ”, writes Benzema in the publication that he has spread on his social networks early this Monday afternoon along with a photo of himself in a recent match with the French team. An announcement that takes place on the same day that Karim turns 35 The Real Madrid striker ends his international career after he had to leave the concentration of the French team on the eve of the start of the World Cup due to an injury to the quadriceps of his left thigh. It was a controversial decision on the part of the bleu coach , Didier Deschamps . The ailment would not have prevented Karim from playing the last matches of the Qatar tournament. In fact, the white 9 returned to training with Madrid on December 10 , with the World Cup still at stake. Thus, Benzema closes an international career with the French team that has taken place in two stages. The Real Madrid player was separated from Les Bleus for almost six years due to his involvement in the Valbuena case [ in November 2021 the footballer was sentenced to one year in prison and to pay 230,000 euros for various items ]. 

The details 

His great performance with Real Madrid ended up leading to his return to the French team in the summer of 2021, to play in the Euro Cup. In the last year and a half, Benzema has played 16 games and scored ten goals for France. Throughout his international career he has played 97 matches, in which he scored 37 goals. Debuted in March 2007, with Raymond Domenechas a coach, in a friendly against Austria, when he was still 19 years old and was a member of OIympique de Lyon. He has participated in three European Championships and one World Cup (Brazil 2014) and won the Nations League , in whose final phase he scored two goals against Belgium in the semifinals and Spain in the final.
