Spanish La Liga NewsCeballos can dominate the public of Madrid
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Madrid fans showed their affection for the midfielder with the chants: “Ceballos, stay” and “Cebaaallooos”. His contract ends in June, but his situation has taken a turn for the team.


Madrid fans love Ceba a lot

The Madrid fans have spoken with Dani Ceballos. The Bernabeu chanted in unison in minute 85 two chants in favor of the Andalusian midfielder: “Ceballos, stay” and “Cebaaallooos”. The fans present at Real Madrid-Valencia, which ended with a 2-0 victory for the locals , want the man from Utrera to renew his contract with the Concha Espina team.


The footballer was satisfied in statements to Movistar Plus after seeing his name being chanted: “An exciting moment. I have worked a lot to live these moments. The path has not been easy . I left for England, I came back with a major injury… Now all that remains is to enjoy. (When they chanted my name) he was focused. It has been very exciting. Having your name chanted in the best stadium in the world is not easy. Without the fans we wouldn’t have gotten the points and the pass to the semis”.


The contract is going to end soon

The midfielder’s contract ends on June 30. Since January 1, he is free to negotiate with the team that wants a new contract, but his good performance in recent games has led Ancelotti to bet on him rather than on players of the quality and experience of Kroos or Modric . The coach acknowledged before the media at a press conference: “He is doing very well as everyone acknowledges. There is a contractual issue. Everybody knows what I think. Ceballos is important”.