Football NewsChristian Pulisic says that despite obstacles, he strives for continuous improvement
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US footballer Christian Pulisic has discussed the toughest hurdle of a career, but the Chelsea player says he’s committed to continuous improvement.


What did Christian Pulisic say?

Pulisic has been at Stamford Bridge since the summer of 2019, having made almost 100 appearances for the Premier League club while becoming a mascot presence for his country. However, there were many challenges along the way for the man who had endured his fair share of knocks.

Asked about the biggest tests he’s faced, Christian Pulisic said the toughest hurdle in his career so far, he’d say, has been the injuries he’s had in the last two seasons. The one that was really tough was just before the lockdown. During this time, Pulisic thinks patience was really important.

According to Pulisic he told himself that by this game he had to play again and he had in his head that he needed to go back to this point and it didn’t give him the right clarity and the right mindset to really make sure and get himself 100 percent correct and then it’s about to go. Christian Pulisic learned a lot about himself this way. It’s about finding the right time and knowing that the time will come and all this will work out and happened for a reason.


Pulisic learned to deal with failure

Christian tore a kidnapper muscle in January 2020, which caused him to miss 12 games before returning to action, but raised more issues, including an ankle complaint that kept him out of 12 more fixtures this season. Christian Pulisic has learned to deal with these setbacks and remains focused on improving his game to become even more valuable to the US and Chelsea.

The American football player said the #1 thing that has been a big part of his career is making himself uncomfortable – putting himself in a situation where he might not be the best at or something he’s not particularly good at, and then work into this constantly.

His weaker leg, for example. By cutting inside and using his weaker leg, Christian felt he wasn’t as strong, but he was constantly working on that and his transition and shooting and trying to do things with his weaker leg. Chelsea, fresh from landing the bigger silverware at the Club World Cup, will be back in PL action on Saturday with Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park.