Football NewsDani Alves stated that the sexual encounter was consensual
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According to Spanish radio Cadena SER, Alves stated that he noticed the woman’s willingness to engage in sexual activity through her dancing and how they exchanged positions.

Alves maintains that they engaged in consensual sexual activity

Former Barcelona right-back, Dani Alves, has been in prison since January 20th over alleged rape charges. The accusations stem from an incident that occurred at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, where he is accused of sexually assaulting a young woman. Despite several attempts to be released on bail, Alves has been denied due to concerns that he may flee the country. On April 17th, he appeared before a judge and stated that the sexual encounter was consensual. According to Spanish radio Cadena SER, Alves stated that he noticed the woman’s willingness to engage in sexual activity through her dancing and how they exchanged positions. He claims that he suggested they move to the bathroom and that the woman agreed. Alves maintains that they engaged in consensual sexual activity and that the woman even performed oral sex on him, which he asked her twice if she enjoyed.

After the sexual encounter, he allegedly told the woman that he was leaving before her to avoid raising suspicion

The alleged victim, however, claims that there was no consent on her part and that Alves hit her before raping her. The two versions of events do not align, and it will be up to the courts to determine the truth. Alves went to the nightclub with his friend Bruno, and according to him, they did not insist on the three women that the waiter introduced them to. Alves claims that they danced together, and he suggested they move to the bathroom. After the sexual encounter, Alves allegedly told the woman that he was leaving before her to avoid raising suspicion. Upon leaving the club, the woman burst into tears, and Alves and Bruno allegedly passed her without saying anything. Alves claims that he would have stopped to ask her what had happened if he had seen her on the way out.

The case is ongoing, and Alves remains in prison. The outcome of the trial will determine whether he is guilty or innocent of the charges brought against him.


Alves has been paying his wife to delay their divorce

Dani Alves is attempting to exploit every possible loophole in order to secure his release. Despite his previous proposals falling through, he has now reportedly reached an agreement with his wife, Joana Sanz, to help him escape prison. According to journalist Mayca Navarro, Alves has been paying his wife to delay their divorce, which would provide him with proof of his roots in Spain, a necessary step to demonstrate his commitment to Spanish justice and dispel fears of him fleeing the country, as Robinho did in Italy.


However, despite these efforts, the Barcelona Prosecutor’s Office has refused to release Alves on bail, citing the continued risk of him absconding. This decision has been compounded by the existence of video evidence captured by the security cameras of the Sutton nightclub, where the alleged assault took place.
As the case continues to unfold, it remains to be seen whether Alves’ latest tactic will be successful in securing his release from prison. However, it is clear that the seriousness of the allegations against him, combined with the evidence available, has made it difficult for him to find a way out of his predicament.