Football NewsDusan Vlahovic is not sure about his future in Serie A
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Liverpool-affiliated Dusan Vlahovic admits he could see the transfer put in place tomorrow, with a 21-goal season at Fiorentina bringing it to the attention of clubs across Europe.


Interest in Dusan Vlahovic services

The 21-year-old has enjoyed an engaging Serie A campaign, despite spending most of it looking over his shoulder in a relegation battle. Vlahovic helped clear the Viola of danger, but it is unclear how long he will hold out in Florence as interest in his services evolves ahead of another recruiting window. When arguing about his future, with a list of nagging growing every day, Dusan Vlahovic said that you never know, maybe it will happen tomorrow, or maybe the whole career will remain in Serie A. The up-and-coming frontman weathered the slow start of the 2020-21 campaign, with a target found just once across his 12 appearances.

The floodgates opened heading towards Christmas and Dusan hasn’t gone more than three games without a goal since December 16, and Serbia International is now sad to see the breakout season coming to an end. Dusan also said that he would be honest, he is sorry that it was over, but he does not think that anyone expected what he did and he is sorry that they fought for safety for so long that they could not reach a higher position and it is a pity that his goals did not help to achieve higher goals.


What are the prospects for Dusan’s future?

Liverpool is one of several parties that have been associated with Dusan, with interest to be found in every major division across Europe. It may be that he remains in Italy, either in Fiorentina or elsewhere, with the powerful striker admitting that he will have a hard time holding back an approach from fellow countryman Sinisa Mihajlovic in Bologna. According to Dusan, he is a big legend in Serbian and Italian football. It’s hard to reject Miha, but at the moment Dusan only thinks of Fiorentina. Let’s see what will happen in the future.