Football NewsThe Premier League will not be renewed in early May!
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The leaders of the English Premier League have finally given up hope of renewing the championship in early May.


As a result of today’s video conference (with the participation of all 20 clubs), it was decided to extend the forced pause scheduled for April 30. Thus, the English Championship will not continue in early May. It is also unknown when football will be played in England.

“Everyone has acknowledged that it is impossible to continue the Premier League in May,” the official statement says. “It has been decided that the championship will continue when the time and opportunity allow. However, our goal is to hold all the postponed matches and end the season.”

Also, the clubs have agreed to reduce salaries by 30 percent. Of this, some of the reduced amounts will be reimbursed later.

At the same time, 125 million will be allocated for lower league clubs, which should help small clubs overcome the crisis caused by Coronavirus. The Premier League will also allocate £ 20m to fight the virus. The money will go directly to the British Ministry of Health.


Manchester players donate 30% of their salary to charity


It has recently been revealed that Manchester United players will hand over 30% of their salaries to the British National Health Agency. Their financial contribution will be used to fight against Coronavirus.

According to the Daily Mail, the initiator of the idea was the captain of the team, Harry Maguire, for which he received full support from his teammates.

The date of the renewal of the Premier League is still unknown. According to the information posted on the official website of the Premier League, talks on renewal this season will only begin when security conditions are guaranteed.

“First of all, our priority is the health of everyone across the country and in football. It’s about the players, as well as the coaches, the staff, the leaders, and the fans,” the statement said.