Football NewsHarry Kane has recently spoken out about the difficulties the team have faced
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In an interview, Kane reflected on the team’s struggles and the changes that need to be made in the off-season. He admitted that it has been tough for Tottenham this season, as they have failed to find the consistency needed to compete at the highest level.

Kane acknowledged that there have been many changes

The current season has been a challenging one for Tottenham Hotspur, and their captain Harry Kane has recently spoken out about the difficulties they have faced. In an interview, Kane reflected on the team’s struggles and the changes that need to be made in the off-season. Kane admitted that it has been tough for Tottenham this season, as they have failed to find the consistency needed to compete at the highest level. While there have been some good moments and great results, the team has struggled to maintain a strong performance throughout the season. Kane acknowledged that there have been many changes, and as a player, he has tried to adapt and cope with the situations as best he can.

The Spurs captain specifically referenced the Mauricio Pochettino era

The nadir of Tottenham’s season came in their recent match against Newcastle, where they found themselves 5-0 down before eventually suffering a 6-1 defeat. Kane expressed the importance of finishing the season on a strong note, with positivity that can carry over into the pre-season. Looking ahead to the future, Kane spoke about the need for changes in the off-season. He believes that the team has lost some of the values that have made Tottenham successful in the past, and it’s crucial to find a way to get back on the same page. Kane specifically referenced the Mauricio Pochettino era, where Tottenham had several successful years without spending large amounts of money. He believes that the team had a good mixture of young and experienced players, and there was a particular culture and set of values that helped them achieve their goals.


Kane acknowledged that it’s impossible to simply return to the good times, but he believes that there are lessons to be learned from the past. He hopes that the team can implement some of the positive aspects of the Pochettino era and use that as a foundation for future success. Ultimately, Kane’s aim is to see Tottenham compete at the very top level and lift trophies. He believes that the squad has enough talent to achieve this, but it’s essential to get back to the values and culture that have made Tottenham successful in the past. With the right changes in the off-season and a renewed sense of purpose, Kane is confident that Tottenham can return to their former glory.