Football NewsJudge says there is more than enough evidence against Dani Alves
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Brazilian soccer player Dani Alves still in jail, bail not set


A little about the topic

The judge, who is currently overseeing the trial of the Brazilian player who is currently accused of rape, believes there could be more evidence against Dani Alves. Dani and his legal team were hoping to post bail and get the former player out of jail as the trail continues. The judge in the Brazilian’s case reportedly said there was far more evidence than enough to consider. The judge of the 15th Court of Inquiry of Barcelona also emphasized that the investigation into the case had just begun and that there was no doubt so far.

The same was published by journalists who confirmed that the player may have to stay in jail for a few more days. Their article states that the magistrate of the 15th Barcelona Magistrates’ Court of Inquiry, Anna Marin, wrote in a prison order motivating the Brazilian football player’s preventive detention that there are far more than enough indications to take into account that in the early morning of December 31 in the nightclub the Sutton in Barcelona there was a rape and that the suspect was the perpetrator.


Dani Alves’ lawyer criticizes the judge

Dani Alves’ lawyer has filed an appeal against the order of preventive imprisonment without bail and was seeking an order for his client’s temporary release pending trial. Cristobal Martell denounced the trial as biased, pointing fingers at the Unitat Central d’Agressions Sexuals (UCAS) Mossos d’Esquadra’s investigation and criticized the judge’s statement, arguing that some of the evidence is not as clear, strong and damaging as the statement tendentiously points out. , and welcomes the resolution in an almost uncritical or offhand manner.