Football NewsNew batch of Perez’s audio leak – Criticizing Ronaldo & Mourinho
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It seems like Florentino Perez has no end, and probably will never have one. If this situation happens, it will not be a happy one. New leak contains Florentino this time criticizing The legend himself Cristiano Ronaldo, not only him. He also is disappointed in Jose Mourinho.

 Florentino’s controversy just doesn’t stop

For this time, the leak’s record date was in 2012, to be exact, october of 2012, the comments are towards Jose Mourinho and Cristiano ronaldo. Perez called others uneducated and fraud, for example when he called Del Bosque uneducated and undeserving a coach status, also called fraud Raul Gonzalez and Iker Casillas a fraud. The president in this audio calls Ronaldo a sick man, he characterizes Ronaldo Mourinho uncontrollable. Perez is quite pissed at the fact that they don’t even want anyone to control what they say in interviews, Florentino says that Mendes has no control over them, he even goes as far to say that they are spoiled, saying how big and terrible egos this pair have. Explaining that they don’t want to face the reality, Perez calls both of them idiots. An interesting thing is that Perez often mentions money. It’s really concerning, does he only do things because of money? It’s easy to point out that money is a big thing in professional football, but in this situation it’s bringed up so many times it makes you think of many things.

Concerning thing about the Perez scandal

As I already mentioned, money as a thing is brought up in this leak truly often. You can even just split the leaked audio in two segments. One segment is criticism of Cristiano Ronaldo and Jose Mourinho, and another one is how Perez is unhappy with what effect this pair has on the income. In reality if you listen to all of the leaks, you can’t find any real in-game criticism, maybe except Del Bosque, but Florentino didn’t really give any arguments why, he just said that Del Bosque sucked. Going back to the theme, it’s in fact sad to even think that Perez only thinks about money, even though he has a somewhat big history with Real Madrid, the worst thing is that only time will show how this situation will go on. What will be the truth.