Football NewsNo, Abdelhak Nouri yet to recover and come out of the coma now
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Abdelhak Nouri, a young and very talented Ajax player, came out of the coma in August 2018 and not now, as many have written.


Recall that in the summer of 2017, Nouri was bad during a friendly against Werder, and he had a heart attack right on the pitch. Due to ineffective and delayed medical intervention, the young player suffered permanent brain damage and fell into a coma.

Doctors say that he will not ever be able to play football again because he has severe brain damage.

More than a year after the tragedy (in August 2018), Nouri came out of the coma. He recognized family members and began communicating with them through his mouth and eyes.

On March 26, 2020, family members of Abdelhak Nouri interviewed NPO1. They said he was feeling better, reiterating that he was no longer in a coma and could communicate with his eyes. In short, nothing much has changed. 22-year-old Nouri is still in bed, unable to walk, unable to speak, but already home and feeling better.

“Appie is no longer in a coma. He just wakes up. He sleeps, he eats, sneezes, but he cannot get up, and he is very dependent on us. On good days, Abdelhak can also communicate, for example, with a convincing eyebrow. Still, for him, it is not easy – What is easy for us is a great difficulty for him, “said his brother, Abderrahim Nouri.


“We believe in a miracle.”


What happened after that? The British tabloid, The Sun wrote an article about it all, with a sensational headline: “Miracle: Nouri is out of a coma,” which is true, as once again: Abdelhak Nouri is no longer in a coma since August 2018.

As a result, various publications around the world, whether on the web or on the social network, have taken this information and “made it” as if Nuri has finally recovered.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, and it probably will not be. The injury which Appie suffered in the summer of 2017 is severe and permanent.

However, family members hope for a miracle. Appie’s father, Mohammed Nouri: “Can he be recovered? We believe in a miracle. It’s a difficult test for us, but we will continue to fight and do our best. We want Appie to recover – We should treat him as well as possible.”