Football NewsThe Premier League in Australia? Perth is ready to host PL games
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All twenty Premier League clubs confirmed at Friday’s online meeting that they definitely want to end the season. However, another conference of English clubs did not lead to any other concrete results.


It was also said that the remaining matches of the English Championship should be held in neutral stadiums and, of course, without spectators. Not everyone likes the idea – for example, the leaders of Brighton have publicly stated this.


There is less danger in Australia.


According to The Sun, the video conference offered Premier League clubs a chance to renew and finish in another country of the season, namely Australia. A Sunni journalist writes that the leaders of the Premier League are thinking about this option. The idea is that the remaining PL games will be held in Perth, Australia.

“I had negotiations with the Premier League clubs. They liked the idea. I also talked to officials from the government, and their enthusiasm is palpable. There is less danger here. The Australian government has already lifted many restrictions, ”Gary Williams, an English agent living in Perth, told Sans.

There are 92 matches to be played in the current English Championship. According to the idea, all of the remaining PL games should be held in Perth.

According to official data, only 6,799 cases of coronavirus have been reported in Australia. Ninety-five died, and 5,814 were recovered. For comparison: 182,260 people are infected in the UK, and 28,131 of them have been killed.