Football NewsReal Madrid continues to be the most valuable club in Europe: €3,184 million
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The white entity leads for the fourth consecutive year the report ‘The European Elite 2022: Football Clubs’ Valuation’ by Football Benchmark.

The situation

Real Madrid is, for the fourth consecutive season, the most valuable club in the world. The business value of the white entity amounts to 3,184 million euros , according to the annual report The European Elite 2022: Football Clubs’ Valuation by Football Benchmark, which celebrates its seventh edition in the analysis of the 32 most powerful clubs in Europe. That figure represents a revaluation of 9% compared to last season . Madrid is the only club that exceeds the barrier of 3,000 million in value. “Real Madrid continues its leadership thanks to its continuous commercial and sporting successes,” explains Andrea Sartori , founder and CEO of Football Benchmark. The report precisely highlights the merit of Real Madrid with its cost containment policy (in the 2020-21 season the club allocated 63% of its income to salary costs compared to, for example, the 88% dedicated by Barcelona) and a template with lower appraisal than those of its rivals. ” While their squad, worth €815m, is the seventh most valuable, their veteran stars prove their class time and time again , progressing to the Champions League semi-finals last season and competing in the final now.” highlights Football Benchmark. In a context of a pandemic where losses were widespread (of the 32 clubs analyzed, only five made a profit during the period of the health crisis), Madrid managed to close their accounts with a positive result. This despite the fact that store sales fell by 50% and the closure of the Bernabéu has meant losing revenue of 84 million euros. “Admirably, it is one of the few clubs that recorded a net profit in the two years impacted by the pandemic” , emphasizes Sartori.

Barcelona, Atletico, Sevilla, Valencia and Villarreal, on the list

Five other Spanish clubs appear among the 32 most powerful in Europe. Barça, whose business value is valued at 2,814 million euros, is third, behind Manchester United (2,883 million euros) . There is no other LaLiga club in the top-10, which is dominated by five Premier teams (Liverpool, City, Chelsea and Tottenham, in addition to United), a German (Bayern), a French (PSG) and an Italian (Youth). Atlético is 12th, with an estimated value of €1,234 million . Sevilla (25th, with a value of €390 million), Valencia (26th, €385 million) and Villarreal (31st, valued at €303 million) also appear in the Football Benchmark ranking .