Football NewsThe remaining PL matches may be held on the training base
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According to some reports, the remaining games of the Premier League may be based on the training base of the teams.


As you may know, there are 92 matches left in the English Premier League.

The English PL teams are discussing different options for the extension of the season, with 9 rounds to go.

According to The Independent, there is an option for teams to play the rest of the season in June-July on training grounds in London and elsewhere.

The Premier League plans to play the remaining 92 matches in an accelerated fashion. But only one match per day will be broadcast. Meetings can be held every day.

They create an appropriate strategy in which the team is completely isolated from the rest of the team and locked up in their camp. Also, players will not be able to interact with their family members. Players will be tested daily so that they are not a threat to the surroundings.

Team personnel, officials, and TV operators have the same fate.

This option seems to be one of the most realistic. Premier League officials are also leaning towards it as they cannot find a way to resume the championship in May.


“Everybody except Liverpool Heaters wants to renew the season,” Lineker said


Former England striker Gary Lineker has made another rather exciting statement regarding the renewal of the Premier League season:

“We all want a renewal of the season, and most likely, this long-awaited fact will happen in June. How will the matches go? 9 – Probably accompanied by empty podiums. Yes, it will be inferior to football, though there is no other way.

For some reason, the Liverpool Heaters just don’t want to renew the season.” – the Lions’ ex-forward said.