Football NewsRonaldo’s List of Meals Handed to Utd Chefs Cause a Stir among Teammates
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The Five-time Ballon d’Or winner is known for his intense gym routine and diet habits but his favorite foods are seemingly not the taste of all his teammates.

Manchester United superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has persuaded club chefs to put his favorite foods on the training ground menu at the canteen.

A huge factor in how the 36-year-old continues to operate at the highest level – and his confidence that he can play into his 40s – is his strict, specific diet which allows him to eat up to six times a day.

Ronaldo has been asked by those at the Carrington canteen for a list of his preferred foods – which included a traditional Portuguese stew called Bacalhau, consisting of salt cod and eggs, a dish that is thought to have gone down well with his United teammates.

However, a number of other dishes were not so popular.

One United source exposed, “He also loves octopus, but most of the lads won’t go there – even if it clearly works for Ronny!

“Cristiano is very much into his proteins, stuff like slices of ham, eggs, and avocados, and the chefs are trying to help him with a little taste of home.”

The diet that Ronaldo follows is so effective the United star holds confidence that he will be able to continue his playing career well into his 40’s.

Upon Ronaldo’s arrival, backup goalkeeper Lee Grant explained how the Portugal superstar’s food habits – including no alcohol and no Friday night puddings – are already influencing the rest of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s squad.

“This was Friday night in the group hotel,” Grant explained.

“So, as you guys will be aware, you finish your dinner, and usually on a Friday night, you’ve got a few cheats stuff out. You’ve got some apple crumble or you’ve got a bit of brownie and cream or whatnot”.

“I tell you now, not one player touched the apple crumble and custard, not one player went up for that brownie because everybody was sat down and one of the lads said to me, ‘What has Cristiano got on his plate?’

“So, we were having a little goosey gander at what he has got and obviously it is the cleanest, most healthy plate you can imagine. And it just cracked me up how not one single player dared get up and have that junk food that was laid out.”