Football NewsTchouameni: 5 years, €80M
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RMC gives figures of the signing of the Frenchman for Madrid. Mbappe ‘no’ allows the white club to activate his signing. PSG made an unsuccessful attempt.

The situation

Real Madrid has definitely changed its strategy after the Mbappé fiasco. The first consequence is that he has accelerated the efforts to hire Tchouaméni (22 years old), a 22-year-old midfielder from Monaco. The white club has had the player’s yes for a couple of months. However, everything was at the expense of unleashing the operation, in which Liverpool and PSG are also interested. This afternoon RMC was very forceful. “Tchouameni will go to Real Madrid. He will sign for five years and the transfer fee will be around 80 million euros”. Shortly after, a prestigious French TF1 journalist specializing in the market, Julian Maynard, confirmed what RMC had said and revealed that the player himself had already told his Monaco teammates that he was going to go to Real Madrid. Either way, it ‘s all in the absence of officialdom . At Real Madrid the position remains clear. He doesn’t want distractions until the Champions League final is played against Liverpool next Saturday and they don’t want to hear about anything other than that in the offices. On the other hand, reliable sources from Monaco consulted by this newspaper could not confirm the RMC information yesterday either. In the three-way bid that has taken place for Tchouaméni in recent days, Real Madrid had everything to win because they have the will of the player in their pocket. 

Paul Mitchell

Monaco sporting director Paul Mitchell spoke yesterday morning on RMC Sport about the state of the situation. “Tchou Amani’s fate? To be honest, I have no preferences ,” he said, implicitly admitting, at the same time, that nothing is closed yet. “Like every time you sell a player, there needs to be fair compensation. The market is different every year,” he added. For Paul Mitchell, “everyone can see that Aurélien (Tchouameni) is a top player, but we are an ambitious club with an ambitious owner . ” As such, he has no preference when it comes to selling him. We’ll be very aggressive in terms of the deal. It’s a shame to lose such an incredibly talented player. That’s why he’s so sought after!” , he highlighted.