Football NewsThe eternal and hard match between the bench and marketing
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The situation

It is clear that Barcelona needs to earn money as if there were no tomorrow and they have found in the pre-season American tour the best formula to raise additional income that can help curb the club’s precarious economic situation. A tour, which will last 16 days and has already confirmed two matches, one in Miami and one in New York, but the club’s intention is to complete four friendlies to continue making money. Thus, if there is no counter-order, the team will leave on July 16 for Miami to do the Americas. On July 19, he will play against Inter Miami, chaired by David Beckham. Afterwards, he will go to Las Vegas to play against Real Madrid on July 23 , and then to Dallas for a friendly, possibly against Juventus, on July 26, finishing the tour in New York on July 30 against the team of the city, the New York Red Bull.

The details

The two games in the middle are not yet officially confirmed, but the club does not want to miss the opportunity to make money, urgently in need of additional income. And this is basically where the division in the club lies. And it is that the technicians would be in favor of playing only three games -the two confirmed plus the one in Las Vegas-, while the marketing area considers a fourth friendly, in this case the one in Dallas, to be vital. There is no doubt that tours are an obstacle to the work of sports management: neither long trips, nor training in intense heat, nor promotions, nor publicity events, nor matches almost every three days are advisable to prepare for the season, but it is also assumed that it is the price that must be paid if the squad later wants to be strengthened and have a competitive team.