Football NewsThe millions that put an end to the briefcase debate
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The situation

The League lives its last day and is still with several open fronts, but with only five teams involved. Villarreal and Athletic fight for a ticket to the Conference League and Granada, Mallorca and Cádiz, for salvation . But there are many other teams that are also playing a lot in this last league match: millions of euros. A situation that has ended is that there is no longer talk of bonuses to third parties who no longer play anything to let themselves win. Briefcases are more of a thing of the past. With the new commercialization of audiovisual rights approved in 2015, each position counts for a lot. Of the total money that the First Division receives from television (in 2020-21, €1,444.7M), half is divided equally (€36.11M per team) and a quarter based on position. For example, of the money from the variables, 17% goes to the one who finishes champion (€61.41M) and only 0.25% (€0.9M) to the one who finishes last. Between both positions there is a wide range of prizes. Between being third and fourth (for which Atlético and Sevilla are fighting this weekend) there is a little more than seven million euros of difference; there is much less disparity between being eleventh or twelfth (direct confrontation between Celta and Valencia this Saturday) with 900,000 euros at stake.

League finals with greater intensity

One of the ways to show that the clubs continue to perform at a high level despite the fact that almost everything has been decided, is in the numbers. Year after year, the metrics of effort and intensity in the final stretches of the championship grow. From LaLiga, with the help of the Mediacoach tool, they affirm that the offensive construction parameters (number of possessions that end in danger), goal avoidance efficiency (how many times they manage to avoid a goal from the rival team’s total arrivals) and the number of auctions are slightly higher in these last four days than in the previous 33. But it is not something of a season, in the last days of last season there were records in intensity.On the penultimate day, Correia (Valencia) achieved the second position throughout the year in terms of top speed: he covered 47.64 meters reaching 35.56 km/hour. He was only surpassed by Kenedy on matchday 34, when he reached a top speed of 35.59 km/h after a 73.91 meter run against Cadiz