English Premier LeagueToby Alderweireld donates tablets to coronavirus patients in hospital
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Tottenham defender, Tony Alderweireld is trying to “bring a little bit of joy” to coronavirus victims by donating tablets to hospitals and nursing homes.


The Belgium international, Alderweireld has paid for dozens of devices and has more coming through for the isolated patients.

“We are already receiving messages from people who can now speak to their families. It has been a real help. I didn’t do it for a reaction. Just to help. But it has been so positive.”

Alderweireld was moved to try to help those suffering from the virus. He hopes his donation has made a difference.

“In the UK we are a little bit behind Europe. I was getting news from across Europe so I was in a coronavirus state of mind.” The Belgium international said.

“I called my dad and said we have to do something. We have to try and help.”

“We were brainstorming, my dad contacted some hospitals and they said we need some tablets for people who are isolated. More so the older people who don’t have a phone. It keeps a visual connection with loved ones, which was impossible otherwise.”

“It makes me very happy and makes me sad that I can’t help everyone. But I am trying the best I can. If it can bring just a little bit of joy to their lives, it is great.”

“We have to be ready for 30 April.”

No decision has been taken off when the Premier League will return to action. On this note, Alderweireld says all the players can do is to work on the date given.

The center-back has all the fitness equipment he needs to train at home. He is, however, trying to take some positives from the situations.

“It’s a strange feeling now. You want football back, you want everything to be normal again. But on the other hand, I am at home and can spend a lot of time with my children.”

“That’s a small positive. I am lucky to have them close to me. I have two little children. So, if I am not training, I have my hands full.”