Football NewsTop possible transfer cases in La Liga
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There will be a lot of news coming after Euro 2020. Lots of transfers have to be done fully by the end of the summer.


Lionel Messi’s transfer soap opera

It’s really a soap opera to watch Messi’s situation in Barcelona. First of all, Messi was not happy with the current situation in the team. Even Bartomeu was against Messi and in the clash, the player won the trust of the fans and Barcelona’s board. After Bartomeu’s departure, it was visible that Messi could sign a new contract right away. Laporta became the new president of the team and his main goal is to save Messi in the team. At the same time, Messi is already a free agent since June 1st. It’s been 5 days of Messi’s free agency and now everyone is talking about the transfer. Laporta said that negotiations are still going strong and Messi needs to sign a contract. On the other hand, City and PSG are very much interested in Messi. The player can sign with PSG and Manchester City, both teams have very attractive offers on the table. Messi can earn around 40 million Euros in cash and it would be the biggest offer in football history. Pep wants to join Messi again. On the other hand, Neymar wants to play with Messi also.


Hazard’s bad start in Madrid

Another interesting transfer in La Liga would be Hazard’s case. He could not impress fans of Real Madrid in the last two seasons. Keep in mind that Belgian player joined Real Madrid back in 2019. In the hot summer, Eden joined the team with extra 10 KG and everyone went downhill after that. He got many injuries and could play only 30% out of possible games. Eden may leave the team and join Chelsea again. The London team is his second-home, so nothing is impossible.