Football NewsVillarreal’s occasion
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The situation

If Villarreal were told at the beginning of the season that their European qualification would be at stake on the last day at the Camp Nou against Barcelona, the forecasts would have been dire, but the story has changed a lot . Emery ‘s team arrives at the Camp Nou depending on itself to access the Conference League and they will have a team in front of them that does not play anything. With the second place already assured, thinking more about the future than the present and with a time change that can turn the Blaugrana stadium into a monument to emptiness, Villarreal will have a great opportunity to certify their European passport. While Villarreal have plenty of reasons to win, it’s hard to find motivation on the Blaugrana side. In fact, when there was still something at stake (no matter how remote) Xavi already confessed that he had a hard time motivating his squad. 

The details

If it cost before, imagine now with all the fish sold. Let’s add to this equation that it could be the farewell game for many players, some of whom have already heard from their coach that he does not count on them for the next season; a schedule that invites everyone except to go to football to see a team that is already thinking about the next campaign and the general desire that this post-Messi season finish as soon as possible. The course has become longer than a day without bread. Xavi said in the preview that the most important thing for tonight’s game is ” to finish with good feelings beyond the result”. A difficult combination to balance because it is difficult to have a good feeling if you come out defeated in your last game of the season. Villarreal , more than sensations, are worth the realities , that is, the points that they need so much. Their feelings will only be good if they return from Barcelona with a European passport, in this case, for the Conference League. It’s your big chance.