Football NewsZlatan Ibrahimovic has confirmed that he is leaving Milan after this season
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The boss of Bologna, who was a coach at Inter during Ibragimovich’s time there. Claims to have received assurances from Ibrahimovic that he will again become a free agent when his short-term deal at San Siro expires.

In this summer Zlatal will become a free agent

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has confirmed that he is leaving Milan after this season, according to Sinisa Mihajlovic. The boss of Bologna, who was a coach at Inter during Ibragimovich’s time there. Claims to have received assurances from Ibrahimovic that he will again become a free agent when his short-term deal at San Siro expires. Ibrahimovic scored three times in eight games since returning to Milan in January after two years in the MLS with LA Galaxy. “He told me a few days ago, and we will see what he decides to do in the summer,” Mihajlovic told the Serbian show. “He, of course, will not stay at Milan until it is unclear whether he will join us or return to Sweden”. The 38-year-old specialist began his career at Malmo before moving to Ajax and has a statuette outside the stadium of his first club.

Ibrahimovic’s statue was repeatedly vandalised

However, his relationship with Malmo’s fans deteriorated because Ibrahimovic partially owned rivals Hammarby. The monument of the striker was repeatedly vandalized. Reaching the point that he should be relocated after numerous acts of damage against him. Anders Malmström, City of Malmo’s spokesman, confirmed that the council’s working committee would offer relocation on Monday. Malmström told reporters that “the statue should remain in Malmö but get a different place than at the Swedbank Stadium”. After one assault in February, Giuseppe Sala, mayor of Milan. Proposed moving the statue to the Italian city, where Ibrahimovic is currently playing. Still, his offer was rejected by Malmö officials.

The statue has been taken off, set on fire, covered with graffiti, cut off her nose. And had a toilet lid hanged over its arm, among other things. It has been kept in a secret place since the last attack in February. Therefore, a move to Bologna can be turned to Ibrahimovic: Mihajlovic does not expect to face such problems. As the ex-coach of Barcelona Pep Guardiola had with the brash Swede. “Ibra treats me differently than the others, he looks at what he says and how he behaves,” added Mihajlovic. “That’s is because dangerous people recognize each other!” Zlatan is due to be out of contract after the completion of series A 2019- 20. Although there is a choice to extend the deal for another year.