Football NewsZlatan Ibrahimovic realizes that he is not Superman
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Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 39, has admitted he has to watch out for his body as he approaches his 40th birthday, while the Milan striker has stated that he is not Superman.


What did Zlatan Ibrahimovic say?

Milan’s striker, forward and serial winner, has often ranked himself among the greats of today, with a lot of accomplishments to bolster his braggers. But in an uncharacteristic moment of humility, Zlatan Ibrahimovic admitted that even he has barriers that he cannot break as he continues to play in his fourth decade.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic said that when he was young, he just played, even if he felt pain in the tendons. Zlatan wanted to win and score, stop. With time and experience, Zlatan began to use his head and realized how important it is to listen to your body. Zlatan’s head is fine, but his body is aging, it does not always keep up with his head and this is a problem. This year he has to listen to his body, every little signal that he sends him.

According to Zlatan Ibrahimovic, only by doing so can he avoid the worst consequences. he needs to listen to his body every day in order to play consistently. he needs to think slowly, day by day, and understand that he is not Superman.


Brilliant record behind

The Rossoneri striker – currently overshadowed by the Achilles challenge, but with an eye on next week’s Champions League clash with Atlético – has defied expectations to stay at the game’s summit. But with his current San Siro deal, which expires next June, the question remains whether he will play and where he will do it. With trophies amassed in five countries and seven clubs, there is no doubt the 39-year-old will leave a brilliant record behind him if he decides to hang up his boots in 2022.